星期二, 4月 01, 2008




雖然他們好像沒有怪罪於你..可是畢竟是不會很難的一小小部分而已...可是還是無法完成..onion30 看來需要面壁思過了..

(p/s:打了一只蚊子,流了好多血哦onion50 ,不知道是誰的呢!!)





today i see a lot of theory but i still understand what is talking about. it cause me cannot difficult to write in the report. suddenly be at a loss(不知所措) and it make me not yet sleep until mid night.

especially team's report, it more badly. i cannot finish it, and i feel i apologize to them although they say nothing and blame me too much. due to team report, it make every one need do a bit only but i still cannot finish and this look like i need to heart searching(反省).

think previous of mine, why i not so hardworking in study! otherwise, i not need so pity !WHY!!!!!!

suddenly feel i want back to previous of mine and start again but it is impossible !?

Now i need to face it..

1 則留言:

  1. hi, i m huang shang.justnow c ur blog, i think u are thinking too much lops.
    i do cw also until midnight ma,,,
    who say u pity,,,i say u cutie ops..
    watever down mood will go far aways....so u must happy and enjoy to huang shi jia zhu ops..
    huang shang will help u +oil de...
