星期六, 5月 30, 2009





可是Leader不斷對我說,“work hard is good but you also need to work smart。。。

不然your work will be useless。。。

so practice is the way to lead you improve!!”


可是依然看不到Good Result。。。 onion@20(78)

更糟糕的是另一件事,my wealth 亮紅燈了。。



反省 + 改變 + 休息 = 全新的bRianz


2 weeks go away, i still not see what i  want to look.

thus, it lead me into super pain.

although leader always told me that work hard is good but work smart also important to lead work to be effective. Only practice is can improve me improve.

and i am continuous thinking about it.

but i still cannot see what i actually want.

and the worst thing is comming that is my wealth is red light.

thus i need think about the plan need to change a little bit.

So today, i prepare to rest 2 days for MONDAY!!

after self-reflection + change + rest  = brand new bRianz

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